Every cent that you donate to us will make a difference in the lives of those we help and bring everyone
the community closer to Christ. For no more than 4 dollars you can provide a hot meal to a homeless
and for just 30 dollars you can help connect an elderly person to a caretaker for about 2 hours.
We will make sure that every cent you donate reach those that you try to help, and you will have our
heartfelt gratitude for every bit of contribution and impact you bring to our community through these

Help does not need to come only in money. If you feel strongly about offering help to those affected by
adverse conditions, why not personally offer them a hand? At CJ Ministry, we connect not only resources,
also passionate volunteers to those in need.
By signing up as a volunteer and taking an hour or two from time to time, you will not only brighten
people's days but also spread the gospel of Christ to those that you help. You will also have our back
you volunteer through us to take care of the community.